Welcome to Grayswood's first digital newsletter!
Last week saw the launch of our new website design, which we are very proud of. We hope that you have had a moment to take a peek and found it easy to navigate your way around. More to come!
It has been another busy month at school. As well as their classroom learning, the children have enjoyed a wealth of other events and activities such as World Mental Health Day, Harvest Festival, numerous sporting events, Black History Week, orienteering and a wonderful production of The Jungle Book yesterday afternoon.
It was lovely to see many of you at our Parents' Evening last night. We hope that you found the meeting with your child's class teacher useful and were able to celebrate the achievements made over the last half term.
I wish you a lovely break and we look forward to seeing everyone back, refreshed and ready to get stuck into preparations for Christmas on October 31st!
Take care,
Miss Cole
Stars of the Week
23rd September: Hector McGhie, Gabriel, Avery, Axel, Leo, Azurra, Isla W, Bea VDM, Florence, Karina and Eric
7th October: All of Year 1, Amelie, Jacob B, Kyra, Tils, Jacob A, Jack K, Oliver Bignell, Ben, Evie R-P, Maddie and Cameron
14th October: Etty, OJ, Edward C, Xander H, Mabel, Alex, Theo, Neve, Jack M and Annabelle S
21st October: Rose M, George, Rose KC, Ruben, Holly, Rafe, Annabelle G, Zoe J, Milly, Phoebe, Dexter
Well done to all our stars! Keep up the hard work!
School Value Awards
23rd September: Vivi, Tils, Huw, Coco and Bea T
7th October: Jemima, Sanvi and Albie
14th October: Luca, Ivan, Edward D, Albert Warner, Sienna F, Jasmine
21st October: Hannah, Xander H, Zoe J, Ben
Super work demonstrating our school values of love, kindness, respect, forgiveness, perseverance and teamwork!
Winning House this half term: LOVELACE!
Lovelace- 928 Darwin- 887 Burns- 836 Hawking- 796
Children in Lovelace house can wear mufti on Friday 4th November.
School Ambassadors
Congratulations to Layla Leckie, Finn Coxeter, Jack Masterman and Jasmine Crick who were successful in securing the role of School Ambassadors 2022. They have written a short paragraph below to introduce themselves.
Hello everyone, my name is Jasmine Crick and I'm one of the School Ambassadors. I was one of the lucky few to be chosen for this year, thanks to a lot of your lovely children voting for me! I'm a good School Ambassador because I'm kind and caring, and respect the teachers and the school rules. I'm confident with speaking out loud in front of people and I come into school with a smile on my face and a spring in my step; I hope this is the best year ever!
Hi, I'm Jack.
I am lucky enough to be one of the four School Ambassadors. I wanted to apply for this role because I wanted to give back to the school community by being and doing the best I can. You may not know but both my older brothers before me were Ambassadors. I am really looking forward to my last year at this wonderful school.
Hello to all of the parents at Grayswood School!
My name is Finn, and I am one of the new four school ambassadors in year 6. I am writing to tell you a little bit about myself. I joined Grayswood in Wrens and can not believe that I am already in Kites (WARNING parents! This time whizzes by!) My favourite subjects and interests are;
art, drama, PE (running only!) and English.
I absolutely love my school and all of the wonderful children and teachers in it, I am honoured to have been elected as one of the School Ambassadors. We have been extremely busy over the last few weeks with new parents starting to think about their child's future schooling. I have been given the opportunity to show off our wonderful school by introducing and touring them around, broom cupboards and all!
Myself and the other Ambassadors have many exciting ideas that we would like to introduce to Grayswood School, so watch this
I am Layla Leckie, aged 10. I am one of the Ambassadors at Grayswood. My responsibility is to make sure that everyone is happy and to make our school an even better place. I have been at Grayswood since reception and have loved every minute. I am very friendly and kind, and pride myself in making everyone happy. I have a twin sister called Zoe and brother called Toby, who also attend our school. I am very proud to be an Ambassador at our school and promise to do the best job that I can.
Under 9 St Edmunds Football Tournament
On 29th September, some Yr 4 boys went to the St Edmund's Football tournament. We won three of our matches and tied the fourth one. We went to the finals and won 6-5 on penalties. We played St Edmund's, St Mary's, Camelsdale and one other school.
Written by Huw in Year 4.
Sports Crew Training
On Tuesday 4th October, Edward, Tessa, Annabelle, Oscar, Christopher, Dexter, Karina, Maddie, Rosa and Cameron went to Weydon School to be trained to be Sports Leaders. We learnt loads of fun new games and really enjoyed it. We can't wait to share these games with the rest of the school. We will be introducing a system called 'Physi Fun' for all ages at breaktimes and lunchtimes, we hope you enjoy it.
Written by The Sports Crew.
Orienteering Day
On Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th October, Cross Curricular Orienteering visited our school to map out an orienteering course for us to use and to make our learning more active. Will, the instructor, led all classes with a session to get us going. The first thing we did was get into pairs and then we each got a stack of maps. We had to locate where the cones were on our maps. After that, we found where we had to start and then we followed our maps to the finish. Each cone had a number on and we had to add them up to find our answers. If we got the answers correct we got a band and if we didn't the instructor (Will) would help us.
Once the time was up, we did the next challenge. It was a bit trickier because all of it was white except for one line which was blue and it also had one extra line of cones. For this challenge we got two bands if we got it right. At the end we counted our bands up and saw who had the most. Oliver and Finley won with 18 bands and the rest of us applauded them. Orienteering was really fun!
Written by Coco and Tabby, Year 5.
Snacks at breaktime
Just a reminder that children in KS2 should only be bringing in fruit snacks for breaktime. Recently, we have seen a rise in children bringing in crisps and chocolate.
Road Safety
Please can we remind all parents that they need to cross at the dropped curve rather than straight across the road into the parking bell; this is for everyone's safety. Please also familiarise yourselves with the one-way traffic system in operation for Kiss and Drop in the mornings. More information can be found on the Travel Plan page of our website.
We are trying again to recruit a Crossing Patrol Officer to help the children cross the road safely during drop-off and pick-up. The hours for this would be between 8:20-8:50am and 3:00-3:30pm. If you know of anyone who might be interested in this role, please do ask them to get in contact with us.
On Wednesdays, parking at pick-up is particularly busy due to bridge club going on in the village. We kindly ask that if you only have a child in EYFS/KS1, that you pick up and vacate as soon as possible to allow parents of children in KS2 to park. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, it is greatly appreciated.
Parent Workshop
Thank you to all those who have expressed an interest in attending our parent workshop on 'balancing emotions' on Wednesday 23rd November, led by two Neurodevelopmental therapists with a background in primary mental health and parenting. If you would like to attend by have not yet let us know, please do so via this link. We look forward to welcoming you into school and hope you find the session useful.