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GrayswoodChurch of England
Primary School

Worship Team

At Grayswood CE Primary School, we have an active Worship Team whose responsibility it is to be involved in promoting the Christian ethos and values of the school. 

The Worship Team's responsibilities include:

  • Setting up the hall for collective worship
  • Support with the planning and delivery of collective worship 
  • Be involved in and contribute to meetings with the Headteacher, RE Coordinator and the Reverend from Grayswood All Saints Church
  • Lead their class and school in prayer
  • Lead and evaluate their worship
  • Take an active part in singing assemblies and selecting songs
  • Take an active role in church services

Our Year 3 team are OJ and Holly 

 Our Year 4 team are Jemima and Arlo

 Our Year 5 team are Isla and Albert 

Our Year 6 team are Tabitha and Evie  


Spring 2023 

It has been a busy term with two church services, a Prayer Space and a Pause Day! 

Year 4 led a wonderful Ash Wednesday service in the church and Year 2 followed a few weeks later with a Holy week service. It was wonderful to see each year group taking an ownership of the celebrations and acting out the Bible stories. 

For our Prayer Space, the Worship Team chose the theme 'New beginnings' and helped plan a successful day of pausing and reflecting. 

We ended the term with a 'witnesses' Pause Day. Each year group were given tasks to complete about the various witnesses on the lead up to and at the crucifixion. The children enjoyed using drama and hot seating to explore those thoughts and feelings.