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GrayswoodChurch of England
Primary School

Eco Warriors

We have an Eco Warrior team which comprises two representatives elected from each class in Years 1 – 6. The team meets every half-term to discuss ways of improving our school to make it more Eco friendly. The children known as the ‘Eco Warriors’, take their role very seriously and understand that we all play a part in the role of making our school more sustainable. The two representatives from each year group feedback suggestions made by their peers and suggest ways of improving our environment. 

Meet the Eco Warriors 

Year 1 - Willoughby and Tabitha    Year 2 - William and Ava 


Year 3 - Harry and Ava  Year 4 - Azurra and Dylan 


Year 5 - Tommy and Annabelle  Year 6 - Ben and Florence


The Ten Topics  

Our Eco Warriors are making Grayswood Primary school more sustainable by addressing the following ten topics:  

Energy, Litter, School Grounds, Waste, Global Perspective, Biodiversity, Water, Healthy Living, Transport and Marine. 

Eco Code 2023/24 

What have the Eco Team been up to? 

Summer 2024

Protecting endangered species is close to our Eco Warriors hearts, and they were eager to raise funds to support WWF's efforts to prevent the loss of habitats. On Friday 14th June, the Eco Warriors invited all children to come in dressed as their favourite animal! In return, they asked for a donation. Our Eco team managed to raise an amazing £148 for WWF! Well done Eco Warriors! 

On Wednesday 5th June, our Year 3 Eco warriors spent the morning bringing to life their healthy lunchbox to take to Woolmer Hill, along with other local schools. Their choice of lunch was inspired by the fantastic designs sent in by children across the school. Ava and Harry loved taste testing the different entries and were thrilled to have been part of the experience. The different schools discussed ways in which we can create interesting, healthy lunches whilst thinking about the environmental impact of food packaging and food miles. 

Spring 2024 

This year, Grayswood have taken Earth day a little further and have held an Earth Week. The theme of this year is Planet vs. Plastic and time has been dedicated to raising awareness and inspiring action to tackle the various environmental challenges facing our planet. Each class had a particular focus e.g. plastic pollution, water pollution, litter and climate change . All children engaged really well and made thoughtful and considerate contributions, demonstrating how passionate they are about protecting our planet and providing a better future for generations to come. The children have been recycling soft plastics in the lunch hall, washing up yoghurt pots and making eco planters using  seeds from food waste. 

On Thursday 7th March, Mrs Woods and the KS1 Eco-warriors attended Guildford Cathedral to understand stewardship and how we can look after our world. Our Eco-warriors were brilliant at offering up their ideas on how we can make a positive change and enjoyed participating in a variety of activities. The children were impeccably behaved and demonstrated beautiful manners throughout the day.


Summer 2023

Eco Warriors join forces with Woolmer Hill! This half-term, the Eco Warriors bottle top art project was finally underway. With the help of 14 ex-Grayswood students currently at Woolmer Hill, our vision was brought to life. Through a collaborative effort, the children created a sea themed mural to highlight the issue of plastic waste in the ocean. It was such a lovely atmosphere to watch the older students with the young, and an experience enjoyed by all. Whilst waiting for paint to dry, the Woolmer Hill students took the opportunity to listen to children across the school read.A special thank you to Sophie White for all her invaluable help with the project and for giving up her own time. Also, a big thank you to Brewer's and Jewson's in Haslemere for their generous donations of paint and plywood!

Screen Free Day 

On Monday 22nd May, Grayswood went screen-free for the day! The Eco Warriors invited all children and adults across the school to take a well-deserved break from staring at a screen. All classes participated, and many children benefited from lessons being taught outside, making the most of the glorious sunshine we've had this week. 

Our screen-free day was part of our confederation schools initiative, with many local schools in the area also doing the same!

Earth Day 

On Tuesday 25th April, the whole school marked Earth Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness and inspiring action to tackle the various environmental challenges facing our planet. The children really got stuck into learning about how they can make a difference to the world around us. Each class had a particular focus e.g. plastic pollution, water pollution, litter and climate change. All children made thoughtful and considerate contributions, demonstrating how passionate they are about protecting our planet and providing a better future for generations to come. 

Spring 2023 

This term our Eco Team have been busy meeting with other Eco representatives from local schools to think about how we can collectively raise awareness and make improvements within our community. Along with other schools in the area, we are planning a screen free day in the Summer term. With thanks to Haslemere Garden Centre, our KS2 classes have all been given a houseplant to care for. Our Eco Warriors and EYFS class participated in the RSPB's Bird Watch and submitted our results to help monitor how UK birds are faring around our school grounds. This term, EYFS and KS1 have been enjoying an Eco Craft club, thinking about ways in which we can reduce, reuse and recycle! 

Swifts Growing Their Own

The Year 5 classroom has just welcomed a futuristic addition - an Aeroponic Tower Garden. This vertical gardening system is a sustainable way to grow leafy greens and healthy herbs all year round without the need for soil, pesticides, and plastic salad bags.One of the other benefits of using the Aeroponic Tower Garden is that it uses up to 90% less water than conventionally grown food, making it a more environmentally friendly option. Moreover, the produce also grows three times faster, which means we'll soon be inundated with fresh produce! 

Autumn 2022 

At the start of the term, the new Eco council was elected by their peers. Since then, the team have been busy creating an Eco Code, which reflects our commitment to improving our school's environmental performance. We have also carried out an environmental review, to understand which of the ten topics we are doing well in and to highlight areas for development. From this, we have been able to create an action plan of what we would like to achieve over the year. 

Tree Planing - March 2022 

Along with the children in Year 6, The Eco Warriors have been very busy helping plant trees at Imbhams Farm. With over 800 saplings to plant, the children from Grayswood did an amazing job at getting the hedgerow started. These trees are part of a Stewardship Scheme with the Woodland Trust to create a wildlife habit corridor from one edge of woodland to another, across an open field over which the footpath runs.  Many families will be familiar with the footpath so do keep an eye on how the trees are growing! 

Guildford Cathedral Eco Day - March 2022

The KS1 Eco-warriors attended Guildford Cathedral to gain a greater understanding of stewardship and how we can best look after our world. Our Eco-warriors were brilliant at offering up their ideas on how we can make a positive change and enjoyed participating in a variety of activities. We considered “What things do people do that damage our world?” and “What could you and I do differently to make our world better?”. The children enjoyed participating in an array of activities and were impeccably behaved and demonstrated beautiful manners throughout the day.  

Going Green with our Milk Scheme - February 2022 

Acc​ording to the House of Commons, an estimated five million tonnes of plastic is used every year in the UK, nearly half of which is packaging.

The last year has shown us on a grand scale how a small change can make a big difference to the world we live in - and Grayswood wants to be part of that change. 

We felt that the daily milk cartons came with excessive packaging and limited recycling options. Therefore, we have swapped to 2L bottles of milk, using reusable beakers to avoid unnecessary plastic waste and help protect the environment.  

Christmas Toy Appeal - December 2021  

To help reduce plastic waste as Christmas, Grayswood Eco Warriors held a toy appeal. The toys were then donated to Shooting Stars Children’s hospices to help raise funds for the charity.