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GrayswoodChurch of England
Primary School

Wellbeing Ambassadors

Hi there!

We are your friendly Wellbeing Ambassadors here at Grayswood!

You will find us on the playground at lunchtime in our high viz jackets, ready to help you if you need a friend or someone to talk to.  Our Year 6 ambassadors have been trained through the Diana Award programme in Antibullying and we are working together towards a Wellbeing badge this year. 

A bit about us!


We all nominated ourselves to be a Wellbeing Ambassador. Here are some of our reasons for becoming an Ambassador:

"I don't like to see people hurt or upset and I want to change that"

"I want to help children with friendships because I had trouble with friendships myself when I was younger."

"I notice when people are looking down and want to help them"

"I like talking to younger children about their feelings and helping them."

"If we can help children with their friendships and feelings, we can stop bullying before it happens!"

Calm Club

We have set up a weekly Calm Club for Key Stage 2 on Friday lunchtimes, where you can come along if you'd like a break from the busy playground and enjoy a range of mindfulness activities, such as playdough, arts and crafts, colouring, Uno, reading and more.  We are always on the look out for new  activities that we can do during Calm Club, so do come and talk to us if you have any ideas!  We look forward to seeing you at Calm Club on Friday lunchtimes in Year 4! Everyone welcome!


Worry Box

If you feel you have a worry and you would like to write it down rather than coming to us directly, then remember we have our Wellbeing Ambassador Worry Box located in the front entrance.  Simply write your worry down and ideally put your name and class on the back and place your worry in the box. We will be sure to check the box weekly with Mrs Harris during our Calm Club.  We will then try and find you and sit down with you and see what we can do to help!

Children's Mental Health Week is coming up...  


We look forward to seeing you all in assembly and telling you more about this, but for now here are some resources that might help you, especially in these Winter months where things can sometimes feel a little bit harder. We hope you like them!