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GrayswoodChurch of England
Primary School


Curriculum Intention Statement

Learning and achievement drives everything we do at Grayswood Primary School. Our role, in partnership with parents and carers, is to build the foundations for a successful education, to enable each child to discover the joy of learning, to help them to fulfil every aspect of their potential and to encourage their growth into effective citizens, ready to play their part in the world and their community. 

At Grayswood we aim to deliver a broad and balanced, creative curriculum which reflects our Christian school ethos and our understanding of how children learn best. We want children to achieve the highest possible standards in reading, writing and mathematics, but we believe it is equally as important that they have a full entitlement to enjoy learning in other subject areas and encourage links across curriculum areas wherever possible. We place great value and importance on the teaching of religious education and support children on their spiritual journeys. Children’s positive mental health and well-being is a fundamental thread which runs through the centre of our curriculum and contributes to our overall aim that they will all be happy and successful.

As a school we follow the National Curriculum but enhance it with imaginative planning around topics to make the learning experience more coherent, meaningful and enjoyable for our children. We aim to develop lively, enquiring minds and a positive, confident attitude towards learning. We also plan visits out of school and visitors into school to support us in delivering an inspirational curriculum. Residential experiences are offered for KS2 pupils, embracing the opportunity for children to experience learning away from home in a residential setting.

The curriculum is enhanced by use of a wealth of resources and involvement of the local community. Each year we plan special theme days when we come away from the usual curriculum and focus on a specific subject. This gives children the opportunity to apply the skills they have learnt in a different context. Our Forest School is an integral part of our curriculum, providing children with opportunities to develop their skills of collaboration, resilience, team building and awareness of the natural environment.

Although the pages on our website will give you an insight of learning at Grayswood CE Primary, we believe the best way to get a real taste of learning is by joining the learning journey your children are taking. If you would like to find out more about the way different subjects are approached and taught, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher or visit the subject pages on our website.